Achim Wollscheid more from Achim Wollscheid  "Shifts"  CD
»Shifts« cover
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   Ritornell we have only this from Ritornell  RIT 017 CD
Listed in genres:
· Electronica, Ambient
· Improv

Recorded live, March 26, 2000 at RADIO X, Frankfurt, Germany.

To broadcast CD´s Radio X in Frankfurt uses Denon DN C680. The players (3 of them in total) can be operated at the same time and are equipped with scan/search data-wheels that allows one to start or stop a CD at any given point. Moved while playing a CD the wheels send the disc into a locked groove, which can be shifted by constantly turning the wheel (about 60 shifts will scan one second of playing time).
For the March edition of monthly Selektion broadcast Wollscheid scanned and shifted sections of `A Young Person´s Guide to Phill Niblock´ (Blast First), `Construction´ by John Hudak from `The Site of Sound´ (errant bodies), `Kern´ by Frank Bretschneider from `Clicks & Cuts´ (Mille Plateaux), `This Piano Thing´, by Gordon Monahan (Swerve Edition) , `Pure Gaze´ by Olivia Block (Sedimental) and `White Winged Moth/Ribbon Arcade´ by Dean Roberts (Formacentric.
The impetus behind this work is to discover and use the broadcast medium as an `instrument´ - instrument not in the sense of a `tool´ (although this side always plays a role), but rather as a set of transformative possibilities, which can help to re-read the information available.
price: 7,00 euro          
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