Almandino Quite Deluxe

Violent Potato - CD
(Bar La Muerte / Wallace Records) 10.00 euro



Fossilized In Concrete 1995-2006 - LP
(Treue um Treue) 14.00 euro


Ame De Boue

L'Inconfort Nécessaire - LP
(Treue um Treue) 15.00 euro


Amir Baghiri

True North - CD (with: Mathias Grassow)
(Arya) 9.00 euro



Perturbacée / Terra Amata - picture LP (with: Szkieve)
(Ad Noiseam) 13.00 euro


Amputaion Desire

Wish / Not Wish - CDr (with: Goghal)
(Verato Project) 7.00 euro


An Innocent Young Throat-Cutter

Mrs.Wardh - LP
(Urashima) 17.00 euro


Andrea Polli

Sonic Antarctica - CD
(Gruenrekorder) 13.00 euro


Andreas Bick

Fire and Frost Pattern - CD
(Gruenrekorder) 15.00 euro


Andrew Liles

Mother Goose´s Melody Or Sonnets For The Cradle - CD
(Klanggalerie / ICR Distribution) 14.00 euro


Andrew Loadman

Die goldene Trompete - LP (with: Afanassi Viebeg)
(Methods To Survive) 12.50 euro


Andrew Zealley

Themes & Variations - LP
(Tourette Records / How To Explain Silence To A Dead Hare) 24.00 euro


Andrey Kiritchenko

Bees And Honey - CD
(Zeromoon) 10.00 euro


Andy Gilmore

Of Lice And Moons - CDr
(Carbon Records) 4.50 euro


Anemone Tube
:Existence - CD
(auf abwegen) 12.00 euro
Split - CDr (with: Tarkatak)
(Transfixional Entertainment / trümmer tapes) 9.50 euro

Transference - CD (with: Christian Renou)
(auf abwegen) 11.00 euro


Anencephalic Cretinists
Anencephalic Cretinists - CDr
(Gigabrosaurus Recs) 8.00 euro

The Univox Sessions - CDr
(Gigabrosaurus Recs) 8.00 euro


Angus Carlyle

Some Memories Of Bamboo - CD
(Gruenrekorder) 15.00 euro


6, Zweiter von Sieben - CDr (with: His Divine Grace)
(Gigabrosaurus Recs) 8.00 euro
7, Erster von Sieben - CDr
(Gigabrosaurus Recs) 8.00 euro

Never Mind HDG, Here Is Anna - CDr
(Gigabrosaurus Recs) 8.00 euro


Anne Laplantine

Split - LP (with: Semuin)
(Happy Zloty) 12.00 euro


Antigen Shift

Conjugate (split) - CDr (with: Detritus)
(fleshmadeword) 6.50 euro


21-40 of 639 artists:  1  [2]  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  ...  32 
266 labels:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14 
artist index: 0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  ZINES  
label index: 0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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