Frank Niehusmann
Fragrance - 4x CD
(Klangkunst Edition) 20.00 euro

Live - CD
(Phoomb) 7.00 euro


Frank Rowenta
Apoplexia 1973, A musical Research - CD (with: Gregor Jabs / Stan Reed)
(Jeans Records / PsychForm Records) 12.00 euro
Orion und Kassiopeia - CD (with: Lutz Pruditsch)
(dachstuhl / Jeans Records) 12.00 euro

Weingüter - CD
(Dom Elchklang) 12.00 euro


Frans de Waard

Eight Lines - 3inch CDr
(Zeromoon) 5.00 euro


Franz Koglmann

We Thought About Duke - CD (with: Lee Konitz)
(Hat Hut Records) 9.00 euro


Frederik Croene

Hout - CD (with: Esther Venrooy)
(Robo Records) 12.00 euro


Fröhliche Wohnzimmer, Das
Auf hoher See: Ahoi!, 13 Greatest Hits! (1996) - CDr
(.werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Corriger La Fortune (1985) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Don´t Put Your Finger In The Sex Places (1997) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Expose Yourself To Me (1986) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Follow Your Nose (1993) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Get Smart (1992) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Get Up! Get Up! You Lazy-Head! (1996) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Happy End in Eisenstadt (1994) - CDr
(.werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Hit Hard (1991) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
How To Cook A Wienerschnitzl (1995) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
I Don´t Wanna Grow Up (1992) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
I Saw Polly In A Porny With A Pony (1996) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Ich bin ganz normal (1998) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Live In Brno (1990) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Look Out, There´s A Monster Coming (1986) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
My Everyday Secret (At Six I Make Sex) (1993) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records) 6.00 euro
Mystery! Frankenstein - Legend Of Terror (1998) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Never Ending (1998) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Not For People Of Nervous Disposition (1994) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Oh, Shit - Sometimes I´m Happy (1988) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Oh, What A Good Decree (1991) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Six Pale Beer On Draught (It´s Carneval Time) (1997) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records) 6.00 euro
So Sweet A Kiss The Cold Black Moon (1998) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records) 6.00 euro
Thanksgiving For A Habitat (1990) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
The Great Danse Macabre (1990) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
The King Kong Tapes (1990) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
This Little World (1987) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Three Hot People On A Very Hot Summer Day (1986) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Three Mice On A Cold Cellar Floor (1991) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro
Up A Daisy… Be A Flop (1992) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro

We Don´t Want To Work No More (1995) - CDr
(D.F.W.-Records / .werkschaft) 6.00 euro



The Field Recordings 2 - CD
(X-OR) 12.50 euro



Yonkon - CDr
(Not on label) 8.00 euro


FX Randomiz

Goflex - LP
(A-Musik) 12.00 euro


Für diesen Abend
Für diesen Abend - CDr
(1000füssler) 9.00 euro

untitled - CDr (with: Katrin Bethge)
(Alula Ton Serien) 10.00 euro



Strandgut - CDr (with: Y-Ton-G)
(Terminal-Tape-Prod.) 7.00 euro



Live 11-01-01 - Tape
(Stillstandtapes) 4.00 euro


Gehirn Implosion
... And In The End A Beautiful Memory Remains - 7inch (with: Haters, The)
(Verstand Recs.) 5.00 euro

Split - LP (with: Carsten Vollmer)
(Cat Killer / Verstand Recs.) 10.00 euro



3. Jahrtausend - 7inch
(NLW) 10.00 euro


Greenaway - CDr
(Multi National Disaster Records) 9.50 euro

Waste Oil Recycled Vol. 2 - CDr
(Sick Art Products) 6.00 euro


Gen Ken Montgomery

Drilling Holes In The Wall - CD
(Monochrome Vision) 12.00 euro


Gert-Jan Prins

The Field Recordings 5 - CD (with: Mats Gustafsson / Misha Mengelberg)
(X-OR) 12.50 euro


Gianluca Becuzzi

Memory Makes Noise - CD
(Small Voices) 11.00 euro


Gnostic Gnomes

Zwergenlieder - 2x 5inch
(Reue um Reue) 13.00 euro



Gorymaaz - LP
(A-Musik) 11.00 euro


201-220 of 639 artists:  1  ...  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  [11]  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  ...  32 
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artist index: 0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  ZINES  
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