Narrow we have only this from Narrow  "From DiY With Love"  LP
»From DiY With Love« cover
   Label   Catalog No.
   Treue um Treue more from Treue um Treue  TUT014
Listed in genres:
· Pop & Wave, Minimal

Minimal Darkpop with Industrial influences.

"Inspired by the collage and improvisation aesthetics of the likes of TG and CABARET VOLTAIRE, the music of the now defunct Croatian duo NARROW is pure DIY, acknowledging cut’n’paste and lo-fi analogue sound processing as both a working method and a source of inspiration. The band's weapons of choice are a couple of tape decks, an old walkman and actual synths and effects, with which they take us back to the heyday of tape-industrial. Ten highly rhythmic, noise-informed minimal gems, sometimes mutating into catchy electro songs which carry in them both post-punk echoes and angst-pop promises. Think Esplendor Geometrico, Blackhouse, early Portion Control as well as Mental Codes."
[label info]

Lim. to 310 copies on white vinyl with inlay.

A1. The Pop Hell
A2. Intuition
A3. Don't Talk To Me About Love
A4. Flickering Shadows
A5. Escapism Tape
B1. Desire
B2. Aerial
B3. So Young So Old
B4. Eurythmia
B5. Propaganda
price: 14,00 euro          
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