Various Artists more from Various Artists  "Verfassung"  LP
»Verfassung« cover
   Label   Catalog No.
   HÖRBAR more from HÖRBAR  2005
Listed in genres:
· Industrial, Noise, Power Electronics
· Electronica, Ambient
· Drones, Dark Ambient
· Soundscapes, Field Recordings

On the newly released vinyl LP "Verfassung" (German for "state" or "constitution") 14 electronic tracks by 14 musicians and projects can be heard. The music includes all styles of experimental electronic music: minimal to noise, musique concrète, improv, cut-ups and collages.
The record not only shows the current state of the experimental music scene in Hamburg, despite the different individual approaches and styles it creates a musical flow, offering a diverse and exciting listening experience.
All musicians on the record are members of the "Hoerbar" (German for "audible" and "listening bar"). For over 10 years it has been an important meeting point for producers and consumers of experimental music in Hamburg, Germany. Once a week a lively exchange between composers, musicians, labels and collectors takes place. Once a month local and international musicians are invited to the "Unüberhörbar" concert (German for "unignorable"), among the guests have been Jim O’Rourke, Hafler Trio, Keith Rowe, People Like Us and many others.


"the audible VERFASSUNG of our loosely organized group of producers [called HOERBAR] is being reflected by this audio document, which is representative but cannot be complete.some children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those courageous explorers of electroacoustic music continued walking on analogue and digital paths, avoiding the academic castles of compulsion and the sweat-moistened dancepalaces, being driven by furious excitement to add something personal to the pool of established aesthetic strategies. knowing that the wheel cannot be reinvented is not a cause for resignation or for becoming Epigones, but made us develope our ambitions to learn from historic achievements so that we can walk upon new roads and even stray with our heads up. so, the electroacoustic VERFASSUNG [constitution / condition / circumstance / state of mind] compiled by hoerbar hamburg manifests the whole spectrum between the righteous ponderer‘s efforts and the unconcerned homo ludens‘ arabesques. we will go on."
Asmus Tietchens


side one:
Gregory Buettner - Tischbrunnen
Sonata Rec. - Nachtwache
evapori - eritrea
Pizza Ni Ni - E
Asmus Tietchens - GUU 69
[-hyph-] - fragmentation.itself; chopped down to 70.229 sec / dislocated string quartet # 2.1
Audible Pain - Staphylokokken und Streptokokken

side two:
tbc - disordering 6
Y-Ton-G - un-preetz-ise II
Renoise - Japanese Robot
Margitt Holzt - Die Stimme des Arztes
incite/ - escape mechanism
Guy Saldanha - Vom Kamel gefallen live bei audiounit 2, Januar2005
Ebinger - Poesie der Pfützen

Liner Notes :
Gregory Büttner
"tischbrunnen" [4:00], c+p 2004 1000füssler, originates from my video work > "23 ZOOMS this piece of mine is a sonic reference to a photograph, which i got hold of at the flea market. the photographer is unknown to me. this image can beclassed with the genre of Interieur; it shows a table fountain, surroundedby cactusses and other potted plants.

Sonata Rec
Heidrun Schramm is a collector of sounds and noises out of which she=20 creates the core of her (electroacoustic) music. she generates it from=20=field-recordings, syntheziser, everyday objects and cello. With her conceptual=20=audio project SONATA REC. she tries to express special themes by using=20=sonata form.= released untitled 3"cd-r AICdisc006
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oliver peters *1970 /has been making electronic music since around 1989.
evapori = multi layered electroacoustics mostly based on field recordings, objects and heavily processed media samples. ranging from warm/harmonic/melancholic >ambient< to irritating atonal outbursts.

Pizza Ni Ni
Det er godt at de små bjørnene ikke vet hvem jeg er, ellers ville de forstyrre meg i mitt egentlige arbeide.

Asmus Tietchens
Considering that Man breeds with the shamelessness of a scourge, as I quote E.M. Cioran in my piece, wouldn’t it be better to lessen music? Notabene: not lesser music, but each piece of music lesser.

nicolas wiese*1976 / -- /-- on the fractured nature of perception and living modes in the digital >information/age< . ( > hyphen = bindestrich.) / --collage compositions and live arrangements based on >real time/real space< or >media< sources ; /systematic–recontextualized–/partly_defaced / --switch mode between analogue and digital // classification in termsof >obsolete< and >contemporary< devices/methods slightly impossible / --a statement on alienation<>automation<>tactility/non_tactilityand on working conditions, generally / --

Audible Pain
mostly self experienced pain waves being transformed into audible sound waves.published items : "Mehrzeitiger Hirnstamminfarkt" LP / REDUKTIVE MUSIKEN 2001 "Phase 4" CD/R / REDUKTIVE MUSIKEN 2002 as well as contributions to some compilations.

the anticultural record can bear a severe cultural burden as well, but it will actively make use of that: oblivion instead of remembrance, under development instead of progress, nomadicism instead of domesticism, a map instead of a xerox.
(Gilles Deleuze/Felix Guattari/Thomas Beck : Mille Plateaux. Capitalism and Schizophrenia II)

"i vote against the verfassung, not because it contains something that doesn’t please me, or because it doesn’t contain something that please me, but because it is a "Verfassung" [constitution circumstances state of mind]" Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)

"so here i am, sitting around with my japanese robot and all that marvellous technology, but where does that render me?"
every noise can, by means of repetition, become music. every tone becomes music by rhythmical appliance. everyone who wants to know my bio : "it ´s none of your business, just listen!" yours sincerely, V.Havlik

Margitt Holzt
"he grasped at my arm and dragged me into the interior of his store which was full of fruit and vegetables. we passed through a door in the backside wall and entered a room. in this room there was a bed, a woman lying down there without motion. assumingly, she was dead. it appeared to me that she had been lying there for a long time, for the bed was rampantly overgrown by vegetables." - Leonora Carrington
"Alles Unfug !" - Margitt Holzt

"escape mechanism", 3:45 - 92bpm - april 2005
bone-dry minmal electronics, fragmented slomo grooves and broken rhythmic arrangements played in sync with abstract grayscale videos.
cooperation of axiomatic integration and GradCom.
Guy Saldanha
"Vom Kamel gefallen" / Live bei audiounit2, Januar 2005
Vom Kamel gefallen. Das hat man davon. Und wie kommt man wieder rauf? Das Kamel ist ganz schön hoch.
"Vom Kamel gefallen" is German for "fallen from a camel". The piece is part of the noise bass solo program in which I play electric bass, using a distortion-pedal to make noise and a delay-pedal to make loops. The composition keeps shifting interruptedly between a deep, quiet cluster layered with behind-the-nut picking and a loud, amorphous outburst of sixteenth notes.
The recording is an unedited take from the audiounit2 concert in January 2005.
Thanks to incite/ for organizing and recording the concert.

"All music is folkmusic. I ain’t never heard no horse sing a song." Louis Armstrong ( 1901-1971 )
"you recognize a good musician by that which he is stealing." Friedrich Gulda ( 1930-2000 )
"music is mental tension, not convenient enjoyment.." Paul Dessau ( 1894-1979 )
n o w a d a y s , only sick music can raise any money." Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche ( 1844-1900 )
"music is pleasant to listen to, but it doesn ´t have to remain eternally." Wilhelm Busch ( 1832-1908 )
price: 13,00 euro          
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