Various Artists more from Various Artists  "11YRM"  CD
»11YRM« cover
   Label   Catalog No.
Listed in genres:
· Industrial, Noise, Power Electronics
· Drones, Dark Ambient
· Electronica, Ambient
· Pop & Wave, Minimal
· Soundscapes, Field Recordings

11 years Reduktive Musiken birthday compilation with exclusive tracks from almost all projects which was released on RM in the last 11 years.

From Drone Ambient over Abstract Sound Collages to Harsh Noise.

We decide to sell this cd for a low price.
Get a drink to us and have fun!

The soundsample contains 20 seconds (hard cut) of every track.

01. Paulina Dieb - Untitled Composition for Handcut Lock Grooves 1 (3:41)
02. Praying for Oblivion - Totality (1:44)
03. Notstandskomitee - See Europe Collapsing (2:58)
04. Mundkrach - Watch (120918) (4:48)
05. Bernhard Schreiner - Different Grounds (0:35)
06. Feine Trinkers bei Pinkels daheim - Beben und wimmern im Innern (6:34)
07. Totstellen - Informationsgehalt ∞ (Answeringmachine Exhumed) (6:00)
08. Sudden Infant - Creepy Crawl One (2:52)
09. Izanami's Labour Pains - The Highest Truth (4:20)
10. Das Synthetische Mischgewebe - l`effarante beauté du chaos ne le séduirait plus (5:00)
11. m. stabenow - Hühnerstall (3:27)
12. TBC - Maschinentraining für Kinder (Auszug) (5:03)
13. Audible Pain - Otitis Media Acuta (5:01)
14. Freie Hand - The City Of Tomorow Excerpt (10:05)
15. Audiophile Datenverarbeitung - Manometrische Flamme (5:29)
16. Wäldchengarten - The Deerstalker (3:57)
17. Government Alpha - Frame­Up (4:45)
18. Big City Orchestra - 2.04 Stand (3:55)
price: 6,00 euro          
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